Structuring in a Mini Heatwave...

Working from the comfort of the bed today, with the big standing fan on and the window wide open.
My goal is to rough structure the plots of all my books: the Children's High Fantasy set (the first one completed), the first two Cosy Mysteries and the first Horror/Suspense novel, along with four novellas.

The second of the Children's High Fantasy has nearly 30k written, but I need a clearer view of the subplots and the development of all the characters as the story goes along. There isn't too much to do, so I'll probably work on that first.

The first two Cosy Mysteries have been the toughest to plot, as I felt like the mystery itself wasn't that enthralling. So, I've scrapped it and I'm giving it another try. The best thing is my setting, and my sleuth and the side characters. They're all fully fleshed out. So, it is just the mystery, now...the hardest bit - and the most important, really, isn't it? 😂

Then, the Horror/Suspense novel and novellas. I have a vague plot for the novel: who is going to be in it, and the storyline that follows'd think that would be enough for a novel, but it's not.
That's the one that might take a bit of time to structure out.
I also have three novellas on the go, and I finished one a while back, so it will be four in total.

Well, I've got all day, but we're going through a little heatwave, so I feel a tad drowsy. 
But we have ice lollies, so that'll sort it. 😄
