November 2023: Story Status...

November 2023 Story Status:


October was a bit of an odd month for real life stuff, so I hadn't written too much then, as such, there really wasn't anything to write home about.
November, however, was much more productive.
This month, I started and completed a short-book Christmas Romance story that I hope to publish this Christmas. I've had a number of responses (and in some cases, no responses) for the Children's High Fantasy. 

I've planned a writing/publishing schedule for next year, with the idea of getting more books out than I have done in recent years. Lots had happened, but I feel more settled now time has gone by. Time heals, as they say.🙂

And Christmas is soon! Anyone else already watching Christmas Romances/Hallmark/B-Movies yet? 
I managed to watch Santa's Summer House and its ten minute croquet scene! It was awesome!😅
Also, loving the amount of Lacey Chabert films out. She really is the Hallmark Queen, isn't she?😃

Story Status:

Children's High Fantasy:
Story Complete. Waiting final replies from Submissions.

Multiple novellas planned. Some written already and in editing stage. 

Cosy Mystery:
Planning next year and doing full rewrite. 

Book almost completed! Due to be published December '23.
