A quick update while my cold fingers are working...
I’m currently sat in my chair, about to watch the Red Letter Media take on the new Neil Breen film (RLM: Best of the Worst: Cade: The Tortured Crossing) while I work through what needs to be done for each of my books/stories. The High Fantasy, as expected, is taking up the most time thanks to its extensive over-arching plot, and intricate character developments and so on. I’m taking breaks in-between working on that with writing Catchoak novellas and the outlines for other ones. I'm also making my way through the first Little Tangleling Mystery book, which I hope to publish this year (hope!!).
I’m writing two novellas set in Catchoak at the moment. One is fully written, but I need to edit it. The second one is only on its first draft, but I know where its going and I hope I can get it written pretty quickly. I also have the covers to both of these done, so excited to show you those once the stories are complete.
I’m still not updating much on socials, just so I have more time to write.
I thought I’d jump on here real quick to say ‘ello! And say that I’m still here and just getting them words down.