A Quick Hello…

After around what feels like six months of winter, it is finally starting to warm up and we had some sunshine this weekend. It’s nearly the end of April. I’m still wearing thick pyjamas, for heaven’s sake!

A quick update while my cold fingers are working...

I’m currently sat in my chair, about to watch the Red Letter Media take on the new Neil Breen film (RLM: Best of the Worst: Cade: The Tortured Crossing) while I work through what needs to be done for each of my books/stories. The High Fantasy, as expected, is taking up the most time thanks to its extensive over-arching plot, and intricate character developments and so on. I’m taking breaks in-between working on that with writing Catchoak novellas and the outlines for other ones. I'm also making my way through the first Little Tangleling Mystery book, which I hope to publish this year (hope!!).

I’m writing two novellas set in Catchoak at the moment. One is fully written, but I need to edit it. The second one is only on its first draft, but I know where its going and I hope I can get it written pretty quickly. I also have the covers to both of these done, so excited to show you those once the stories are complete.

I’m still not updating much on socials, just so I have more time to write.

I thought I’d jump on here real quick to say ‘ello! And say that I’m still here and just getting them words down.
