Game Pick Ups...

Game pick ups today:

Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story (PS4)
Wargroove (PS4)

Both a fiver (£5) each in a sale! 😃


Changing It Up...

Giving my brain a minor break from the Children's High Fantasy books today to work on a VERY old chicklit (if it is even still called that) that I started possibly around 2016. Perhaps earlier than that...🤔

It is all written in longhand, so I'm typing up what I've done and I'm going to see where I was with it. 
Luckily, I found all the notes, stapled together (and my handwriting is readable this time. Haha!).

Not sure what to do with this one... Self-publishing would be the most likely. 

Well, I'll get it written and finished first, and decide then. 😄


UPDATE: Turns out I've hand written about 5k words of this. 😅


Sleep Token: Take Me Back to Eden...

Got this the other day. 
They keep getting better.
This album is gorgeously produced, and I can't get enough of the accompaniment of the interestingly well blended music and Vessel's haunting and heart-yanking vocals.

Favourite tracks:

All of them! But in particular:
1: Chokehold
7: Are You Really Okay?
And 12: Euclid (if the ending doesn't sound like the finale of the most epic film ever, I don't know what does! 🤗).

Highly recommended if you haven't heard them and fancy something different.

I think I can consider myself a fan now, after enjoying three albums worth. 😄
